K-D use in professional football

Is the K-D a useful diagnostic tool in adult professional sports?  How are test findings best used in clinical situations?  Read the recent publication from Martin Mrazik, Ph.D. and his colleagues: https://www.liebertpub.com/doi/pdf/10.1089/neu.2017.5490 Dhiren Naidu et al. Sideline Concussion Assessment: The King-Devick Test in Canadian Professional Football, Journal of Neurotrauma (2018). DOI: 10.1089/neu.2017.5490

Impact of ATC’s on high school sports injuries

What is the importance of having athletic trainers on the sideline? Can their presence reduce overall injuries and improve identification of concussions? Read this article by Lauren Pierpoint, Cynthia LaBella, Christy Collins, Sarah Fields, & Dawn Comstock. https://injepijournal.springeropen.com/articles/10.1186/s40621-018-0159-6 Pierpoint, L .A., LaBella, C.R., Collins, C. L., Fields, S.K., & Comstock, D. (2018).  Injuries in girls’ soccer…

Media Headlines of concussion and CTE versus Good Science

Can science compete with media headlines to inform concussion policies? How can we can more accurately inform public policy that impacts sports participation? Take a look at this JAMA Pediatrics article from Chris Giza, William Stewart, & Mayumi Prins.   https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jamapediatrics/fullarticle/2686729 Giza, C. C., Stewart, W., & Prins, M. L. (2018). Building good policy from good science-The case for concussion…

Gender differences in symptom reporting across the youth age span

Do males and females report symptoms differently across the youth age span? Does gender or age matter more? Review this article by our very own Rosemarie Moser and Phil Schatz and Lauren Olek.   https://academic.oup.com/acn/advance-article-abstract/doi/10.1093/arclin/acy007/4840582?redirectedFrom=fulltext Moser, R.S., Olen, L., & Schatz, P. (2018). Gender differences in symptom reporting on baseline sports concussion testing across the youth…

Hockey players’ secrets to resilience

Do professional hockey players respond differently to concussions than non-athletes? Can our thinking change how we recover from a concussion? Check out this recent Forbes article from our own Dr. Sonia Mosch for a professional hockey perspective. Read the full article here – https://www.fda.gov/newsevents/newsroom/pressannouncements/ucm596531.htm

Not a “Concussion Test”

An FDA press release issued on 2/14 announced, “FDA authorizes marketing of first blood test to aid in the evaluation of concussion in adults.”  Unfortunately, this headline does not accurately represent the approval, which is best captured by the release’s subtitle, “New quick testing option to help reduce need for CT scans, radiation exposure for patients.”  According…

What role do sports neuropsychologists have in the evaluation and management of sports concussions?

What role do sports neuropsychologists have in the evaluation and management of sports concussions?  How do they work with other disciplines in caring for athletes?  What are unique challenges faced by sports neuropsychologists? Take a look at this article by SNS Board members, Summer Ott and Chris Bailey, and SNS President, Donna Broshek for a review of integrated care…