This article from 2020 looked at how a group of approximately 4000 athletes ages 9 to 21
performed on the SWAY Balance System at baseline. The article found that athletes performed
successively better on the Balance task and faster on the Reaction Time task as they got older. It
also broke scores into Low, Below Average, Average, Above Average, and High categories to
aid in scores interpretation at baseline and post-injury. This study demonstrates how important it
is to use normative data appropriate to the person being tested when interpreting test scores.
Article Citation: Brett, B. L., Zuckerman, S. L., Terry, D. P., Solomon, G. S., & Iverson, G. L.
(2020). Normative Data for the Sway Balance System. Clinical Journal of Sport Medicine :
Official Journal of the Canadian Academy of Sport Medicine, 30(5), 458–464