There are important considerations around when and how to return to phased-in operations for 5 North American professional sports leagues (Major League Baseball, Major League Soccer, National Basketball Association, National Football League and National Hockey league) in the context of COVID-19. With a fundamental prioritization on the health and safety of all stakeholders (players, coaches, team and operational staff), a number of concrete and practical recommendations for “phased-in-play” are provided; these include, but are not limited to, exposure-based classification, implementation of safety protocols, maintenance of facilities, preventive screening, and working with key community partners and stakeholders.
DiFiori, J. P., Green, G., Meeuwisse, W., Putukian, M., Solomon, G. S., & Sills, A. (2020). Return to sport for North American professional sport leagues in the context of COVID-19. Br J Sports Med. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2020-103227